Prof. Cañizares is a Full Professor at the University of Waterloo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (E&CE), the Hydro One Endowed Chair, and an Associate Director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE). He was the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies (2000-2003), Deputy Chair (2003-2004), and Acting Chair (July-Aug. 2004) of the E&CE Department. In the 1999- 2000 academic year, he was a Visiting Pro- fessor at the Dipartimento di Elettrotecni- ca of the Politecnico di Milano, and a re- search consultant for ENEL-Ricerca and CESI in Milan. During his 2006-2007 sab- batical leave, he was an Invited Professor at each of the following institutions: ETH, Zurich, Switzerland (Sept.-Oct. 2006); Uni- versity of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain (Nov.-Dec. 2006); and Univer- sity of Seville, Spain (Jan.-Feb. 2007).
His research activities concentrate mostly on the study of nonlinear systems stability, control, modeling and computational is- sues in ac/HVDC/FACTS power systems, and more recently in the areas of micro- grids, demand side management/demand response, electric vehicles, and multi- carrier energy systems, all within the con- text of competitive electricity markets and smart grids. In these areas, he has led or been an integral part of various grants and contracts from government agencies and companies totaling close to $59 mi- llion dollars. Prof. Cañizares collaborates with industry and university researchers in Canada and abroad, and has supervised/co-supervised over 115 research fellows and graduate students (PDFs, PhDs, MASc, URAs and visiting scholars), several of whom have received various international, national and university awards. In 2003 he took a leadership role in the proposal and development of a highly successful Power Engineering online training program for industry professionals, with strong sup- port and funding from Hydro One Net- works Inc.
Prof. Cañizares has authored/co-authored close to 260 journal and conference papers, as well as various technical reports, book chapters and patents, and has supported and participated in the development of the popular, free computer programs UWPflow and PSAT for power system analysis. He has been invited to make over
130 keynote speeches, seminars and pre- sentations at many institutions and confe- rences world-wide, and to participate in several technical IEEE and CIGRE com- mittees and special publications.
His research activities concentrate mostly on the study of nonlinear systems stability, control, modeling and computational is- sues in ac/HVDC/FACTS power systems, and more recently in the areas of micro- grids, demand side management/demand response, electric vehicles, and multi- carrier energy systems, all within the con- text of competitive electricity markets and smart grids. In these areas, he has led or been an integral part of various grants and contracts from government agencies and companies totaling close to $59 mi- llion dollars. Prof. Cañizares collaborates with industry and university researchers in Canada and abroad, and has supervised/co-supervised over 115 research fellows and graduate students (PDFs, PhDs, MASc, URAs and visiting scholars), several of whom have received various international, national and university awards. In 2003 he took a leadership role in the proposal and development of a highly successful Power Engineering online training program for industry professionals, with strong sup- port and funding from Hydro One Net- works Inc.
Prof. Cañizares has authored/co-authored close to 260 journal and conference papers, as well as various technical reports, book chapters and patents, and has supported and participated in the development of the popular, free computer programs UWPflow and PSAT for power system analysis. He has been invited to make over
130 keynote speeches, seminars and pre- sentations at many institutions and confe- rences world-wide, and to participate in several technical IEEE and CIGRE com- mittees and special publications.